RELIEF OF OCCASIONAL SLEEPLESSNESS, FUSSINESS AND IRRITABILITY: Naturally relieves occasional sleeplessness, fussiness, agitation, irritability and restless sleep; unpredictable, irregular sleep; waking at night; crying; inconsolable behavior
Hyland’s Baby Calming Tablets for Sleeplessness, Fussiness and Irritability, 125 Quick Dissolving Tablets
Babies get fussy. It’s a natural response to being in a totally new world. Couple that with occasional sleeplessness, and you’ve got an irritable little person that needs natural calming medicine to settle his or her system. Baby Calming Tablets are the go-to, safe and effective solution that Moms depend on, day and night. Go ahead & bring on the calm! Baby Calming Tablets that provide natural relief of occasional sleeplessness, fussiness, and irritability.
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